Title: Into the Shadows
Location: Kruger National Park, South Africa
In The Shadows is a recent wildlife photo series created by award-winning South African photographer Naudé Heunis. By playing with visual distillation, the project seeks to strip away any distractions and render each image to its core—portraying these animals in their purest essence: majestic, bare, and vulnerable. The intensely personal close-ups evoke an emotional connection, breaking down the walls of apathy to inspire conservation efforts.
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Sizing Guide
All Limited Edition Collections will be offered in four different sizes: S, M, L & XL. Each print will have a border to help when the print is being mounted for framing. Please see all available sizes in the guide below:
Perfect to decorate your desk or countertop and great for pairing multiple images.
Print size: 20.3 x 30.5 cm / 8 x 12 inch
Print size incl border: Border: 0.2inch on each side
21.3 x 31.5cm / 8.4 x 12.4 inch
Limited edition: 100
The best of all, this size will immediately become the showstopper and talking point in your space. It even has the power to single handedly shape the ambience in the entire house. The best way to present art.
Print size: 45.7 x 68.6 cm / 18 x 27 inch
Print size incl border: Border: 0.5inch on each side - 48.3 x 71.1cm / 19 x 28 inch
Limited edition: 75
Another step up in size, showing even more detail and especially when framed this quickly becomes the signature piece in your space.
Print size: 50.8 x 76.2 cm / 20 x 30 inch
Print size incl border: 68 x 99cm / 22 x 32 inch
Border: 1inch on each side
Limited edition: 50
Giving your room a distinct feature while still letting other elements of the space shine.
Print size: 80 x 124 cm / 32 x 48 inch
Print size incl border: 89 x 134 / 35 x 53 inch
Border: 3cm on each side
Limited edition: 15
All printing and shipping is handled by The Print Space in London. Prints will be shipped worldwide from their UK or Germany studios depending on your location.
Standard Flat Rate worldwide shipping is free of charge and typically takes 5-10 working days depending on your location. Please note that while shipping is free of charge, you will be responsible for any local tax duties.
Prints are shipped in either a reinforced tube or crumble proof packaging to ensure safe delivery.
Delivery Time: Orders usually ship out within 48-hours of your purchase, and will usually arrive within 5-10 working days.
Estimated Average Shipping Times.
Europe: 3-5 Business Days
USA & Canada: 7-9 Business Days
Rest of the World: Up to 10 Business Days
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